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Union Commercial Bank Plc (UCB)

The first overseas subsidiary of E.SUN
Provide the best quality and convenient s♔ervice in Cambodia.

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About UCB


Union Commercial Bank PLC was founded on 31 March 1994, and is currently 100%-owned by E.SUN Bank. UCB is a full-licensed commercial bank with 12 branches in Phnom Penh and 2 branches in other provinces, with more than 500 employees. UCB insists on E.SUN’s core values and vision, and upholds a business philosophy of "expertise, service, and business" to provide an extraordinary service experience and contribute to Cambodia society. UCB will keep enhancing financial products, services and innovation, and accelerating cooperation among multicultural elites for becoming the top foreign bank in Cambodia.

Contact us

At UCB, we are dedicated to provide premium service with our clients and put your questions and comments as our top priority. Your valuable feedbacks and suggestions are important to help us improve the quality of banking experience for local customers.

For UCB Operation Inquiry, please dial:bet 855:+855 (0) 23 911 313ౠ Ext.1714 or 0 (8:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m., Monday to Fridayꦇ)

For UCB Card Service, please dial:bet 855:+855 (0) 23 214 159 (24/7)

Alternatively, you can contact us via email to, or visit the nearest branch in Cambodia.

We look forward to hearing your voice!

※Above contact infoಞrmation is exclusive for customer use in Cambodia.

Join us on:


In Cambodia, UCB provides both personal and corporate service as below.

UCB Mobile Banking App development follows the application development security specifications. For more information, please refer to the bet 855:developer's privacy policy.


Head Office (ESUN Tower)

Card Center

Branch Information


Annual Financial Reports

Below you will find UCB’s most recently published financial report, and the reports published in previous years. Included in each report are descriptions and financial data relating to UCB’s performance. You can read the declarations made by our Board of Directors and the findings of the independent auditor.
By clicking links below, you can either vieꦚw the report in your browser (plug-in may be required), opꦦen it directly in a PDF reader application, or download the file to your hard drive.

“Banking and Financial Institutions Code of Conduct” in Cambodia

Aiming at ensuring transparency and a healthy structure in Cambodia’s banking industry, UCB is committed to adhere to “Banking and Financial Institutions Code of Conduct” announced by Cambodia’s competent authority. We will enhance our service quality and protect customers’ rights and interests.
Please refer to the following attachment for further information.

Customer Complaint Process

Dear customers, we feel sorry for making you inconvenient. If you have something to say, please refer to the following process. We will respond you as soon as we can.
  • Customer must file a complaint within 60 (sixty) days to UCB after the customer is aware of the problem which the complaint is based on. The complaint may be lodged in writing and/or verbally.
  • UCB could resolve a complaint by verbally within 2 (two) working days. If UCB could not resolve the complaint within this timeframe, UCB will request customer to lodge the complaint in writing.
  • If customer wants to lodge the complaint in writing but customer could not be able to complete the Customer Complaint Form, customer shall request UCB staff to complete on behalf of customer.
  • UCB could resolve a complaint by writing within 30 (thirty) calendar days. UCB will issue a formal letter to customer to inform about the result of investigation and resolution. If customer disagrees with UCB complaint resolution, UCB and/or customer might seek support from National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) to conduct a formal review on the process and decision on the complaint within 30 (thirty) calendar days after receiving the decision.
  • If the resolution relates to the restitution and/or refund, UCB shall reverse the fund to customer within 5 (five) working days
  • For more information relate to customer complaint process, please contact +855 (0) 23 911 313 Ext.1913/1918, or email to:

Bakong Facilities Request Form

Please refer to the following attachment for Bakong Facilities Request Form
Bakong Facilities Request Form


KHR Account Opening Announcement
Announcement on Bakong Service Fee Charge
Announcement of Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Adjustment
Announcement of Service Termination for UCB Internet Banking
Announcement of Oversea Fund Transfer Standard Rate and Fee Charge Adjustment
Activation notification of Bakong Payment Service
Strengthen The Prevention of Fraud Incident
Announcement of Business Hours on Weekend Adjustment
Annual Account Review
Announcement of Loan Base Interest Rate Adjustment
Chaom Chau Branch Great Opening, The 12th Branch in Phnom Penh
Announcement of Closing Battambang Branch
UCB Website Rebuild Announcement
Announcement of Closing Vihear Sourk Branch
Pay Attention to Current Account Balance When Issuing check


UCB is a Dynamic Opportunity Rich Employer.

Are you interested in furthering your professional talents and gaining knowledge in an international bank? UCB may be the right place for you. Join us and show your ambition! Currently we have many open vacancies in Cambodia please feel free to email or review our HR fan club 💧on Facebook for career oppo🙈rtunity with Union Commercial Bank Plc.

※Below recruitment information is exclusive for UCB use in Cambodia.

TelephoneTel:bet 855:+855 (0) 96 999 1213


Join us on:
Job Information
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